This website is a dedication to our deceased and beloved house cat, Sir Ferbie McFlurry and the story of his life. This site is still being worked on so please be patient while we update it.
Ferbie was born on May 22, 2007 at Shilah Cantrel's house, Shilah's children named him Spot at birth because he had a spot on his left ankle. On this year, Amber Johnson's 6-year-old step daughter, Jamie Elizabeth Daniels, was playing her final teeball game. Amber's boyfriend, Jim Daniels told Jamie he would get her a kitten if she got a home-run during the game, knowing she wouldn't. Hearing this, Amber decided to get Jamie a kitten regardless and went to her friend Shilah's house to adopt a kitten from her. Amber had a kitten already chosen for her by Shilah. However, before she could leave the house, Spot, who was still a blind kitten at the time, managed to crawl his way up through the house to Amber and fell asleep on her foot. Amber decided that this kitten had chosen her and adopted him instead. She put Spot in a handbag and took him to Jamie's teeball game. After Jim noticed the kitten, Amber told him he could either let Jamie have the kitten or be the mean person who takes the kitten away. Jim agreed to keep him. After adopting Spot, Amber decided to change his name, she decided it should be something formal, adding Sir to his name. Jim decided on Ferbie, Sir Ferbie. After saying his name aloud, Jamie shouted out "McFlurry!" in response. Thus, Sir Ferbie McFlurry was born. Amber and Ferbie lived together in a duplex and would sit by each other on the couch. While a young kitten, Ferbie would sometimes nurse on Amber's ear. Ferbie and Amber were best friends Amber even had a painting made of him. They'd do everything together and she would do anything to keep him alive. Sadly Ferbie developed several problems as he aged including, hyperthyrodism, aids, and possibly a tumor. Near the end of his life, Ferbie was living in a cage though Amber would occasionally take him out for food or to go outside. On the date of October 30th, 2023, at the ripe old age of 16, Ferbie died peacefully in his sleep. Amber had Ferbie cremated and his remains kept in a wooden box next to his painting.
Ferbie's Personality
Ferbie was a grumpy old cat. He wouldn't hesitate to scratch if pestered but deep down he had a good heart. He loved Amber and would cuddle next to her and the two were truly best friends.
Ferbie Images